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Area MCQ | Indian Geography MCQ (Set-1)

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Area MCQ | Indian Geography MCQ (Set-1)

India’s vast and diverse geography plays a crucial role in competitive exams, making it an essential topic for job aspirants. Understanding the geographical concepts is key to scoring well in exams like SSC, Railways, Defence, CTET, State PCS, UPSC, and even judiciary exams. To help you prepare effectively, we bring you a comprehensive set of MCQs focused on the area of India.

In this first set of the Indian Geography MCQs series, we focus on questions related to the area and boundaries of India, ensuring that you strengthen your foundational knowledge.

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 9)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 8)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 7)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 6)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 5)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 4)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 3)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 2)

Indian Geography MCQ  (Set – 1)

Q. India’s share of the total land area in the world is about____

(A) About 2.1 %
(B) About 2.2 %
(C) About 2.3 %
(D) About 2.4 %

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Ans:-  (D) About 2.4 %

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Area of India is 2.4% of the total area of the world but its_____
(A) Population is 16% of world population
(B) Population is 17% of world population
(C) Population is 18% of world population
(D) Population is 28% of world population

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Ans:- (B) Population is 17% of world population

Explanation:- N/A

Q. What is the total area of India?

(A) 2.28 million sq. km.
(B) 3.08 million sq. km.
(C) 3.18 million sq. km.
(D) 3.28 million sq. km.

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Ans:- (D) 3.28 million sq. km.

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Where does India rank in area among the countries of the world?
(A) Fifth
(B) Sixth
(C) Seventh
(D) Eighth

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Ans:- (C) Seventh

Explanation:- N/A

Q. What is the rank of India in terms of population in the world?

(A) First
(B) Second
(C) Third
(D) Fourth

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Ans:-(B) Second

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
(A) Total area of India – 3.28 million sq. km.
(B) Latitudinal extent – 8º4′ N – 37º6′ N
(C) Longitudinal extent – 68º 7′ E – 97º 25′ E
(D) Number of states in India – 26

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Ans:- (D) Number of states in India – 26

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which of the following statements are true about India?
1. India is the fifth largest country of the world.
2. It occupies about 2.4% of the total area of the lithosphere.
3. Whole of India lies in the tropic zone.
4. 82º30′ East longitude is used to determine Indian Standard Time.

Use the code given below to select the correct answer.
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 1 and 3
(D) 2 and 4

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Ans:- (D) 2 and 4

Explanation:- N/A

Q. India is in size ______
(A) Fifth largest country of the world
(B) Sixth largest country of the world
(C) Seventh largest country of the world
(D) None of the above

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Ans:- (C) Seventh largest country of the world

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which of the following Indian states has the largest area?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Uttar Pradesh

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Ans:- (A) Rajasthan

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which of the following is the smallest Union Territory in India in terms of area?
(A) Lakshadweep
(B) Daman and Diu
(C) Puducherry
(D) Dadra and Nagar Haveli

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Ans:- (A) Lakshadweep

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which of the following river basin covers the largest area in India?
(A) Godavari Basin
(B) Ganges Basin
(C) Brahmaputra Basin
(D) Krishna Basin

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Ans:- (B) Ganges Basin

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which one of the following State in India has the highest forest area?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Arunachal Pradesh
(C) Chhattisgarh
(D) Maharashtra

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Ans:- (A) Madhya Pradesh

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which one of the following is the largest wildlife sanctuary in India in terms of area?
(A) Sundarbans Wildlife Sanctuary
(B) Sariska Wildlife Sanctuary
(C) Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary
(D) Hemis National Park

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Ans:- (D) Hemis National Park

Explanation:- N/A

Q. Which one of the following State has the largest coastline in India?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Gujarat

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Ans:- (D) Gujarat

Explanation:- Gujarat has the longest coastline in India. The length of the Gujarat coastline is about 1600 km, whereas Andhra Pradesh has the second-longest mainland coastline with a total length of 974.  The total length of India’s coastline is 7516.6 kilometers.

Q. Which one of the following is the largest lake in India in terms of area?
(A) Wular Lake
(B) Manasbal lak
(C) Sambhar Lake
(D) Vembanad Lake

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Ans:- (D) Vembanad Lake
Explanation:- The largest lake of India (Area wise) is Vembanad Lake in Kerala.

  • Sambhar Salt Lake is India’s largest saline lake.
  • The biggest freshwater Lake in India is Wular Lake.
  • Manasbal lake is the deepest lake in India.

Q. Which one of the following is the largest delta in India in terms of area?
(A) Godavari Delta
(B) Ganges Delta
(C) Krishna Delta
(D) Mahanadi Delta

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Ans:- (D) Gujarat
Explanation: – Sunderbans delta formed by the rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra. It is the largest delta in India and also the largest delta in the world.

Q. Which one of the following is the largest desert in India in terms of area?
(A) Thar Desert
(B) Kutch Desert
(C) Cold Desert
(D) Deccan Plateau

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Ans:- (A) Thar Desert
Explanation: – The Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert is the largest desert in India.

Q. Which one of the following is the smallest state in India in terms of area?
(A) Goa
(B) Sikkim
(C) Tripura
(D) Nagaland

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Ans:- (A) Goa
Explanation: –Goa is the smallest state in India by area, followed by the second smallest Sikkim. Tripura is the third smallest, Nagaland is the fourth smallest and Mizoram is the fifth smallest state in India by area wise.

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