Most Important MCQs on the topic “The Supreme Court of India” (Ch-21). These questions are very important for SSC, Railways, Defence, CTET, State PCS, UPSC, Judiciary and all other examinations of India. |
Q. The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and________.
(A) Seven Judges
(B) Nine Judges
(C) Thirty three Judges
(D) Twenty five Judges
Ans:- (C) Thirty three Judges
Q. The current sanctioned strength of Judges of Supreme Court of India is______.
(A) 20
(B) 25
(C) 30
(D) 34
Ans:- (D) 34
Q. When was the Supreme Court inaugurated in India?
(A) 27 January, 1950
(B) 28 January, 1950
(C) 29 January, 1950
(D) 30 January, 1950
Ans:- (B) 28 January, 1950
Q. The sanctioned strength of Supreme Court of India is_______.
(A) 24
(B) 20
(C) 18
(D) 34
Ans:- (D) 34
Q. The status of women in Indian Society was glorified by a Judgment of a Court in September, 2003. The Court is ________.
(A) Supreme Court of India
(B) Local Courts
(C) Special Courts
(D) High Court, U.P.
Ans:- (A) Supreme Court of India
Q. Supreme Court in India was established _______.
(A) By an Act of Parliament in 1950
(B) Under Indian Independence Act, 1947
(C) Under Indian Government Act, 1953
(D) By the Indian Constitution
Ans:- (D) By the Indian Constitution
Q. Of the following statements, which one is not correct?
(A) Supreme Court was constituted in 1950
(B) Supreme Court is the highest Court of appeal in the country
(C) Supreme Court can hear from any High Court/Tribunals except Court-martial
(D) Supreme Court can hear from any High Court/Tribunals as well as from Court-martial
Ans:- (C) Supreme Court can hear from any High Court/Tribunals except Court-martial
Q. The power to increase the number of Judges in the Supreme Court of India is vested in _______.
(A) The President of India
(B) The Parliament
(C) The Chief Justice of India
(D) The Law Commission
Ans:- (B) The Parliament
Q. A Judge of the Supreme Court may resign his office by writing a letter to ______.
(A) The Chief Justice
(B) The President
(C) The Prime Minister
(D) The Law Minister
Ans:- (B) The President
Q. How can a Judge of the Supreme Court be removed?
(A) By the will of the Chief Justice
(B) By the President
(C) By the President on the recommendation of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(D) By the President on the recommendation of the Parliament
Ans:- (D) By the President on the recommendation of the Parliament
Q. A Judge of the Supreme Court can be removed by the President of India after______.
(A) As enquiry by C.B.I.
(B) An enquiry by Chief Justice of India
(C) A report by the Bar Council of India
(D) An impeachment by the Parliament
Ans:- (D) An impeachment by the Parliament
Q. The age of retirement in the Supreme Court is______.
(A) 62 years
(B) 63 years
(C) 64 years
(D) 65 years
Ans:- (D) 65 years
Q. Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court are determined by______.
(A) Pay Commission appointed by the President
(B) Law Commission
(C) Parliament
(D) Council of Ministers
Ans:- (C) Parliament
Q. The Judges of the Supreme Court, after retirement, are permitted to carry on practice before______.
(A) Supreme Court only
(B) High Courts only
(C) Both Supreme Court and High Court
(D) None of the Courts
Ans:- (D) None of the Courts
Q. Acting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India is appointed by______.
(A) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(B) Prime Minister
(C) President
(D) Law Minister
Ans:- (C) President
Q. The Judges of Supreme Court of India are appointed by the President ______.
(A) After recommendation by Rajya Sabha
(B) On the advice of Lok Sabha
(C) On the advice of Prime Minister
(D) In consultation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Ans:- (D) In consultation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Q. Adhoc Judges are appointed in the Supreme Court when______.
(A) Some Judges go on long leave
(B) No one is available for permanent appointment
(C) There is an abnormal increase in cases pending before the Court
(D) There is no quorum of the Judges available to hold
Ans:- (D) There is no quorum of the Judges available to hold
Q. The Indian Constitution provides for the appointment of ‘Adhoc Judges’ in ______.
(A) Supreme Court
(B) High Courts
(C) District and Session Courts
(D) All of the above
Ans:- (A) Supreme Court
Q. In which year was the Collegium System for the appointment of Judges adopted by the Supreme Court of India?
(A) 1993
(B) 1996
(C) 2000
(D) 2004
Ans:- (A) 1993
Q. The Supreme Court’s Collegium comprises the Chief Justice of India and a few Senior Judges for recommending appointee to the Supreme Court. The number of such Senior Judges, who are part of this body, is ______.
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
Ans:- (B) 4
Q. The minimum number of Judges of the Supreme Court required for hearing any case involving interpretation of the Constitution is_______.
(A) Ten
(B) Nine
(C) Seven
(D) Five
Ans:- (D) Five
Q. The power of the Supreme Court of India to decide disputes between the Centre and the State falls under its ______.
(A) Advisory jurisdiction
(B) Appellate jurisdiction
(C) Original jurisdiction
(D) Constitutional jurisdiction
Ans:- (C) Original jurisdiction
Q. The second largest bench Constituted by the Supreme Court till date was in the_______.
(A) Golaknath Case
(B) Minerva Mills Case
(C) Bank Nationalisation Case
(D) T.M.A. Pai Foundation Case
Ans:- (A) Golaknath Case
Q. In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court of India enunciated the ‘Doctrine of Basic Structure’?
(A) Golaknath
(B) A.K. Gopalan
(C) Keshvanand Bharti
(D) Menka Gandhi
Ans:- (C) Keshvanand Bharti
Q. Which one of the following cases propounded the concept of ‘Basic Structure of the Indian Constitution’?
(A) Indira Sahni Case
(B) Shankari Prasad’s Case
(C) Rudal Shah’s Case
(D) Keshavananda Bharti’s Case
Ans:- (D) Keshavananda Bharti’s Case
Q. The minimum number of Supreme Court Judges who can hear a case involving a substantial question of law as to the Interpretation of the Constitution is ______.
(A) Five
(B) Seven
(C) Eleven
(D) Thirteen
Ans:- (A) Five
Q. In which of the following cases, Supreme Court held that ‘Fundamental Rights enable a man to chalk out his life in the manner he likes best’?
(A) Indira Gandhi Vs. Raj Narain
(B) Golaknath Vs. The State of Punjab
(C) Bank Nationalization Case
(D) Azhar Vs. Municipal Corporation
Ans:- (B) Golaknath Vs. The State of Punjab
Q. Identify the incorrect pair of Case and Ruling in that case by Supreme Court.
(A) Indira Sawhney Case – Creamy Layer for Other Backward Classes
(B) Vishakaha Case – Protection of working women against sexual harrassment at their place of work
(C) Maneka Gandhi Case – Articles 14, 19 and 21 are not mutually exclusive
(D) Bella Banerjee Case – Right to travel abroad in a part of personal liberty
Ans:- (D) Bella Banerjee Case – Right to travel abroad in a part of personal liberty
Q. Which Article of the Constitution of India deals with the Appellate Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in connection with Constitutional Cases?
(A) Article 131
(B) Article 132
(C) Article 132 read with Article 134A
(D) Article 133 read with Article134A
Ans:- (C) Article 132 read with Article 134A
Q. All the cases regarding interpretation of the Constitution can be brought to the Supreme Court under its _______.
(A) Original Jurisdiction
(B) Appellate Jurisdiction
(C) Advisory Jurisdiction
(D) None of the above
Ans:- (B) Appellate Jurisdiction
Q. Consider the following statements and state which one of them is correct?
(A) Supreme Court of India has only Original Jurisdiction
(B) It has only Original and Appellate Jurisdiction
(C) It has only Advisory and Appellate Jurisdiction
(D) It has Original, Appellate as well as Advisory Jurisdiction
Ans:- (D) It has Original, Appellate as well as Advisory Jurisdiction
Q. Curative Petition in India can be filed in Supreme Court under Article ______.
(A) 138
(B) 140
(C) 142
(D) 146
Ans:- (C) 142
Q. Which Article of the Constitution permits the Supreme Court to review its judgement or order?
(A) Article 137
(B) Article 130
(C) Article 139
(D) Article 138
Ans:- (A) Article 137
Q. Which one of the following is correct with regard to the power to review any judgement pronounced or order made by the Supreme Court of India?
(A) The President of India has the power of review such judgment or order
(B) The Supreme Court has the power to review its judgment or order
(C) The Cabinet has the power to review such judgment or order with the permission of the President of India
(D) The Supreme Court does not have the power to review its judgment or order
Ans:- (B) The Supreme Court has the power to review its judgment or order
Q. In India, Judicial Review implies______.
(A) The power of the Judiciary to pronounce upon the constitutionality of laws and executive orders
(B) The power of the Judiciary to question the wisdom of the laws enacted by the Legislatures
(C) The power of the Judiciary to review all the legislative enactments before they are assented to by the President
(D) The power of the Judiciary to review its own judgments given earlier in similar or different cases
Ans:- (A) The power of the Judiciary to pronounce upon the constitutionality of laws and executive orders
Q. Judicial Review means that the Supreme Court________.
(A) Has final authority over all issues
(B) Can charge allegations against President
(C) Can review the issues decided by High Courts
(D) Can declare illegal any law of the State
Ans:- (D) Can declare illegal any law of the State
Q. Judicial Review implies the right of the Court to ______.
(A) Declare any law or order invalid if it is in conflict with the Constitution
(B) Review the order of the Lower Courts
(C) Hear appeals against the decision of the Lower Courts
(D) Review the laws to see that they have been passed as per the procedure laid down
Ans:- (A) Declare any law or order invalid if it is in conflict with the Constitution
Q. The system of Judicial Review, is prevalent in _______.
(A) India only
(B) U.K. only
(C) U.S.A. only
(D) Both in India and U.S.A.
Ans:- (D) Both in India and U.S.A.
Q. Under which Article of the Constitution the Courts have been prohibited from imquiring the proceedings of the Parliament?
(A) Article 127
(B) Article 122
(C) Article 126
(D) Article 139
Ans:- (B) Article 122
Q. Under which Article of the Constitution the Courts have been prohibited from imquiring the proceedings of the Parliament?
(A) Article 127
(B) Article 122
(C) Article 126
(D) Article 139
Ans:- (B) Article 122
Q. A Constitution (Amendment) Act may be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of India if it_______.
(A) Establishes three-tier federal set up in place of the existing two tier-set up
(B) Removes Right of Equality before the law from Part III and places it elsewhere in the Constitution
(C) Replaces Parliamentary System of Executive with the Presidential one
(D) Establishes a Federal Court of Appeal to lighten the burden of the Supreme Court
Ans:- (B) Removes Right of Equality before the law from Part III and places it elsewhere in the Constitution
Q. Judicial review in the Indian Constitution is based on______.
(A) Due Process of Law
(B) Procedure established by Law
(C) Rule of Law
(D) Precedents and conventions
Ans:- (C) Rule of Law
Q. Who has the last authority to explain the Constitution?
(A) President
(B) Attorney General of India
(C) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(D) Supreme Court
Ans:- (D) Supreme Court
Q. Who is the custodian of Indian Constitution?
(A) President
(B) Parliament
(C) Council of Ministers
(D) Supreme Court
Ans:- (D) Supreme Court
Q. Which of the following is the custodian of the Constitution of India?
(A) The President of India
(B) The Prime Minister of India
(C) The Lok Sabha Secretariat
(D) The Supreme Court of India
Ans:- (D) The Supreme Court of India
Q. Who has the right to seek advisory opinion of the Supreme Court on any question of law?
(A) Prime Minister
(B) President
(C) Any High Court
(D) All of the above
Ans:- (B) President
Q. Under which Article, the President of India refer to the Supreme Court regarding the process of appointment and transfer of Judges in the Supreme Court and High Courts?
(A) Article 127 sub clause (1)
(B) Article 143 sub clause (1)
(C) Article 143 sub clause (11)
(D) Article 144 sub clause (a)
Ans:- (B) Article 143 sub clause (1)
Q. The power to enlarge the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India with respect to any matter included in the Union List of Legislative Powers rests with_______.
(A) The President of India
(B) The Chief Justice of India
(C) The Parliament
(D) The Union Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs