SEBA Class 10 History MCQ Chapter 1 | Social science MCQ | Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement | Class 10 Social Science Multiple Choice Question Answer
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Chapter-1 | Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement |
Chapter-2 | Rise of Gandhi and the Freedom Movement of India |
Chapter-3 | Anti-British Rising and Peasant Revolts in Assam |
Chapter-4 | Indian Freedom Movement and National Awakening in Assam |
Chapter-5 | Cultural Heritage of India and North East Region |
Q 1. When was the Allahabad treaty signed?
(A) 1771
(B) 1757
(C) 1765
(D) 1793
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Ans:- (C) 1765
Explanation:- The Treaty of Allahabad was signed on August 16, 1765, between the Mughal emperor Shah Alam II and Robert Clive of the British East India Company, in the aftermath of the Battle of Buxar of 1764. According to this treaty, East India Company won political authority in Bihar, Orissa and Bengal and these three regions were included in the province of Bengal.
Q 2. Which among the following was the first attempt to regulate the affairs of the English East India Company in India?
(A) Pitts India Act 1784
(B) The Regulating Act 1773
(C) Charter Act of 1833
(D) Charter Act of 1813
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Ans:- (B) The Regulating Act 1773
Explanation:- The Regulating Act of 1773 was the first attempt to regulate the affairs of the English East India Company in India.
Q 3. In which year Governor of Bengal came to be known as the Governor General of Bengal?
(A) 1773
(B) 1774
(C) 1775
(D) 1776
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Ans:- (A) 1773
Explanation:- According to the Regulating Act of 1773, the Governor of Bengal came to be known as the Governor General of Bengal. According to this act, Lord Warren Hastings became the Governor General of Bengal.
Q 4. Who was the first Governor-General of Bengal?
(A) Robert Clive
(B) Warren Hastings
(C) Lord Mayo
(D) Lord Dalhousie
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Ans:- (B) Warren Hastings
Explanation:- According to the Regulating Act of 1773, the Governor of Bengal came to be known as the Governor General of Bengal. According to this act, Lord Warren Hastings became the Governor General of Bengal.
Q 5. Who was the first chief commissioner of Assam?
(A) J. BamfyldeFuller
(B) R. H. Keatings
(C) Andrew Fraser
(D) Lord Curzon
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Ans:- (B) R. H. Keatings
Explanation:- Richard Harte Keatings became the first Chief Commissioner of Assam in 1874 (1874-78) when the province was separated from the Bengal Presidency.
Q 6. When did the Orissa famine take place?
(A) 1773
(B) 1874
(C) 1866
(D) 1872
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Ans:- (C) 1866
Explanation:- Richard Harte Keatings became the first Chief Commissioner of Assam in 1874 (1874-78) when the province was separated from the Bengal Presidency.
Q 7. The treaty of Yandabu was signed in ______.
(A) 1811
(B) 1826
(C) 1831
(D) 1824
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Ans:- (B) 1826
Explanation:- The Treaty of Yandabo was signed on February 24, 1826, between the British East India Company and the Kingdom of Burma. It officially ended the First Anglo-Burmese War (1824-1826). Through this treaty, the valley of Brahmaputra went under the British Empire of India.
Q 8. Name the Viceroy of India concerned with the Bengal partition.
(A) Lord Hardinge
(B) Lord Curzon
(C) Lord Lytton
(D) Lord Minto
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Ans:- (B) Lord Curzon
Explanation:- Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India from 1899 to 1905, and he is mainly remembered for his decision to partition Bengal in 1905.
Q 9. In which year was the state of Assam carved out from East India?
(A) 1872
(B) 1874
(C) 1901
(D) 1905
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Ans:- (B) 1874
Explanation:- Assam was carved out from East India on 7th february 1874 as the “North-East Frontier”. This was a preliminary step towards establishing a separate province for Assam, which was finally achieved in 1905 with the partition of Bengal.
Q 10. Which of the following was the capital of the new province “North-East Frontier” carved out from East India?
(A) Shillong
(b) Dhaka
(C) Guwahati
(D) Dispur
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Ans:- (A) Shillong
Explanation:- Shillong was chosen as the capital of the new province “North-East Frontier” when it was carved out from East India in 1874.
More About Assam GK
Assam Geography
Assam Literature
Q 11. When did the partition of Bengal came into effect?
(A) 9th June 1905
(B) 19th July 1905
(C) 1st September 1905
(D) 16th October 1905
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Ans:- (D) 16th October 1905
Q 12. During the Swadeshi Movement, the ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’ song was composed by who among the following?
(A) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(B) Krishna Kumar Mitra
(C) Ashutosh Mukherjee
(D) Rabindra Nath Tagore
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Ans:- (D) Rabindra Nath Tagore
Q 13. In the context of the Indian Freedom Struggle, 16th October 1905 is well known for which one of the following reasons?
(A) The formal proclamation of the Swadeshi Movement was made in Calcutta town hall
(B) Partition of Bengal came into effect
(C) Dadabhai Naoroji declared that the goal of the Indian National Congress was Swaraj
(D) Lokmanya Tilak started the Swadeshi Movement in Poona
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Ans:- (B) Partition of Bengal came into effect
Explanation:- On 16th October 1905, the partition of Bengal, came into force. This event is considered a significant milestone in the Indian freedom struggle as it triggered widespread protests and ultimately led to the rise of the Swadeshi Movement.
Q 14. During the Swadeshi Movement, when was ‘National Mourning Day’ observed?
(A) 9th June 1905
(B) 19th July 1905
(C) 23st September 1905
(D) 16th October 1905
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Ans:- (C) 23st September 1905
Q 15. The Partition of Bengal was officially declared on which date?
(A) 9th June 1905
(B) 19th July 1905
(C) 1st September 1905
(D) 16th October 1905
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Ans:- (C) 1st September 1905
Q 16. Which of the following was the new capital of the new province “East Bengal and Assam”?
(A) Shillong
(b) Dhaka
(C) Guwahati
(D) Dispur
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Ans:- (b) Dhaka
Q 17. Which movement started after the Partition of Bengal?
(A) Civil Disobedience
(B) Swadeshi Movement
(C) Quit India Movement
(D) Non-co-operation Movement
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Ans:- (C) 1st September 1905
Q 18. When was the partition of Bengal proposed?
(A) 6th December, 1905
(B) 7th August, 1905
(C) 16th October, 1905
(D) 7th November, 1905
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Ans:- 6th December, 1905
Q 19. Name the Viceroy of India concerned with the Bengal partition.
(A) Lord Hardinge
(B) Lord Curzon
(C) Lord Lytton
(D) Lord Minto
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Ans:- (B) Lord Curzon
Q 20. The Lieutenant Governor of Bengal at the time of the Partition of Bengal was _______.
(A) Sir Andrew Fraser
(B) H.H. Risley
(C) Brodrick
(D) A.T. Arundel
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Ans:- (A) Sir Andrew Fraser
Q 21. The article Bangar Sarbanash was published in the journal?
(A) Sanjibani
(B) Hitabaadi
(C) The dawn
(D) Bengali
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Ans:- (A) Sanjibani
Q 22. During the Swadeshi Movement, which of the following published ‘Bangar Sarbansh’ in the journal ‘Sanjibani’?
(A) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(B) Krishna Kumar Mitra
(C) Ashutosh Mukherjee
(D) Rabindra Nath Tagore
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Ans:- (B) Krishna Kumar Mitra
Q 23. Who among the following led the agitation against the partition of Bengal (1905)?
(A) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(B) C.R. Das
(C) Ashutosh Mukherjee
(D) Rabindra Nath Tagore
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Ans:- (C) 1st September 1905
Q 24. Who was the first to suggest the boycott of British goods in Bengal?
(A) Aurobindo Ghosh
(B) Krishna Kumar Mitra
(C) Motilal Ghosh
(D) Satish Chandra Mukherjee
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Ans:- (B) Krishna Kumar Mitra
Q 25. Who among the following returned the ‘Knight-hood’ title to the British during the Swadeshi Movement?
(A) Aurobindo Ghosh
(B) Krishna Kumar Mitra
(C) Gopal Krishna Gokhle
(D) Satish Chandra Mukherjee
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Ans:- (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhle
Q 26. Boycott of British goods was adopted as a national policy in_______.
(A) 1899
(B) 1901
(C) 1903
(D) 1905
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Ans:- (D) 1905
Q 27. Partition of Bengal was done mainly for______.
(A) To divide the Hindu and Muslims
(B) For administrative convenience
(C) To weaken the growth of Nationalism in Bengal
(D) For the development of Bengal
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Ans:- (C) To weaken the growth of Nationalism in Bengal
Q 28. The ‘Swadeshi’ and ‘Boycott’ were adopted as methods of struggle for the first times during the______.
(A) agitation against the Partition of Bengal
(B) Home Rule Movement
(C) Non-co-operation Movement
(D) visit of the Simon Commission to India
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Ans:- (A) agitation against the Partition of Bengal
Q 29. What was the immediate cause for the launch of the Swadeshi Movement?
(A) The partition of Bengal done by Lord Curzon
(B) A sentence of 18 months rigorous imprisonment imposed on Lokmanya Tilak
(C) The arrest and deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh; and passing of the Punjab Colonization Bill
(D) Death sentence pronounced on the Chapekar brothers
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Ans:- (A) The partition of Bengal done by Lord Curzon
Q 30. All India Muslim League was founded in the year_____.
(A) 30th December 1905
(B) 30th December 1904
(C) 30th December 1907
(D) 30th December 1906
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Ans:- (D) 30th December 1906
Q 31. In 1906 Muslim League was founded at _____.
(A) Lahore
(B) Delhi
(C) Calcutta
(D) Dhaka
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Ans:- (D) Dhaka
Q 32. Who among the following was the founder of the All India Muslim League?
(A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(B) Sir Mohammad Iqbal
(C) Agha Khan
(D) Nawab Salimullah Khan
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Ans:- (D) Nawab Salimullah Khan
Q 33. What did the Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909 ensure for the Muslim community?
(A) Reserved seats
(B) Reservation in jobs
(C) Separate electorate
(D) Special religious rights
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Ans:- (C) Separate electorate
Q 34. Who presided over the Banaras Session of the Indian National Congress in 1905?
(A) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(B) Feroz Shah Mehta
(C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(D) Dadabhai Naoroji
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Ans:- (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Q 35. Which of the following leaders presided over the Congress Session at Calcutta in 1906?
(A) B.G. Tilak
(B) G.K. Gokhale
(C) Aurobindo Ghosh
(D) Dadabhai Naoroji
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Ans:- (D) Dadabhai Naoroji
Q 36. In which of the following sessions of the Indian National Congress the word Swaraj was uttered from the Congress platform for the first time?
(A) Banaras Session, 1905
(B) Calcutta Session, 1906
(C) Surat Session, 1907
(D) None of the above
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Ans:- (B) Calcutta Session, 1906
Q 37. In which year partition of Bengal made by Lord Curzon was cancelled?
(A) 1911
(B) 1904
(C) 1906
(D) 1907
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Ans:- (A) 1911
Q 38. When was Bengal reunited due to the protests by Indians?
(A) 1905
(B) 1911
(C) 1947
(D) 1971
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Ans:- (B) 1911
Q 39. The Partition of Bengal made by Lord Curzon in 1905 lasted untill_______.
(A) The First World War, when Indian troops were needed by the British and the partition, was ended
(B) King George V abrogated Curzon’s Act at the Royal Durbar in Delhi in 1911
(C) Gandhi launched his Civil Disobedience Movement
(D) The Partition of India in 1947 when East Bengal became East Pakistan
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Ans:- (B) King George V abrogated Curzon’s Act at the Royal Durbar in Delhi in 1911
Q 40. Vande Mataram became the theme song of the Indian National Movement during_______.
(A) Swadeshi Movement
(B) Champaran Movement
(C) Anti-movement of Rowlett Act
(D) Non-Coperation Movement
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Ans:- (A) Swadeshi Movement
Q 41. Which of the statements is not correct regarding the ‘Swadeshi Movement’?
(A) Some specific Muslims were joined in it
(B) Women’s actively participated in this movement
(C) Neither this movement affected Bengal farmers and nor they were joined
(D) It was limited to Bengal
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Ans:- (D) It was limited to Bengal
Q 42. The following programmes were launched by the nationalist against the partition of Bengal.
- Boycott
- Swadeshi
- Non-Co-operation
- National education
Select the correct answer
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 4
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Ans:- (D) 1, 2 and 4
Q 43. Which of the following classes was mainly unaffected by the Swadeshi Movement of 1905?
- Women
- Farmers
- Muslim
- Intellectuals
Select your answer of the following codes.
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1, 2 and 3
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 3
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Ans:- (C) 2 and 3
Q 44. Who edited a magazine named ‘Bharti’?
Ans:- Sarala Devi Choudhurini.
Q 45. What was the name of the textile firm established by Rabindranath Tagore?
Ans:- Swadeshi Bhander.
Q 46. ‘Banga Lakshi Cotton Mil’ was established in which year?
Ans:- On 1st August 1906, Nilratan Sarkar established ‘Banga Lakshi Cotton Mil’.
Q 47. Who established an iron factory in 1907?
Ans:- Jamshedji Tata
Q 48. When was the first Indian industrial summit held in Varanasi?
Ans:- 17th December 1905
Q 49. Who established the ‘ Bengal Chemicals’ in 1906?
Ans:- Acharya Prafulla Roy.
Q 50. Who established the ‘United Bengal Stores’ at Lal Bazar?
Ans:- Abdul Halim Gajnabi
Q 51. Who named the ‘University of Calcutta’ as the house of slaves ( Golam Khana)?
Ans:- Satishchandra Mukherjee.
Q 52. Who established the ‘ Banga Jatiya Vidyalay’?
Ans:- Rabindranath Tagore
Q 53. Who established the ‘Bangia Kala Sangsad’?
Ans:- Abanindranath Thakur
Q 54. Who transformed ‘Banga Mata’ into ‘ Bharat Mata’?
Ans:- Sister Nibedita